Lagerstroemia FUCHSIA D'ETE® 'Indyfus' at

I NDIYA CHARMS ® range of Lagerstroemia varieties are remarkable for the precocity and quality of their flowering, more suited for mild summers.

Fruit of a long selection, they have been chosen for their resistance to low temperatures (hardy to -15°C when fully grown) and to powdery mildew. Fresh soil, acid and slightly chalky. Sunny exposure. Resistance : -15°C.

Fuchsia d'été®

The young red shoots are followed by big shiny leaves, purple green to bronze depending on the situation. The hasty flowering has very dense thyrses of fuchsia colour, almost red.

Find below the entire collection :
Violet d'été®
Camaieu d'été®
Braise d'été®


Height:             3.00m to 4.00m
Location:          Full Sun



Lagerstroemia FUCHSIA D'ETE® 'Indyfus'


Mentions légales - Plan du site - Agence Web Orléans/Tours : Altaïsweb